Positive Regard is more than a training and consultancy service. We put the individual needs of children at the heart of everything we do.
The holistic services we offer are flexible and shaped completely around the needs of the children and young people. We are a national organisation which works with schools and children’s services to bring about an empathetic culture of support through staff training, practice modelling and policy review.
We are proud to be part of Wellspring Academy Trust – a values driven organisations which holds relational practice at its core and is the only large MAT to never permanently exclude a child in England.
We put the individual needs
of children at the heart of
everything we do
We don’t see challenging children and young people – we recognise signs of stress, trauma and emotional imbalance.
We empathise with the root cause of challenges and use a model of relational practice and positive behaviour support to repair relationships, build trust and decrease the signs of stress in children and young people. This increases their focus and engagement in teaching and learning, as well as increasing their opportunities to achieve in all aspects of their lives.
Our offer includes:
Each service is tailored towards the specific needs of a school or establishment and a bespoke package is created by our highly skilled Positive Regard specialists.
Schools can access our credit packages which offer the flexibility to combine Positive Regard training and support to meet their individual needs whilst realising cost efficiencies.
Schools and services have the choice of inviting Positive Regard into their setting for tailored bespoke training or alternatively there are a number of dates and venues available nationally to book.
Positive Regard began with a small team of three staff from one of our Wellspring schools, offering their professional generosity to one of the local authorities.
They had the aim to prevent exclusion through behaviour support. The positive impact and success of this work, plus the growing reputation of Wellspring, led to other local authorities requesting Positive Regard support and services.
Positive Regard has now developed into its own entity with a team of over 35 specialists and operates across the whole of England, Scotland and Wales.
In all my 26 years of experience your training was one about us of the best, most informed, realistic, backed up with credited theories and child focused throughout. I am looking forward to seeing more of your training to support the team with knowledge and understanding to ensure we are putting the best interests of the children at the centre of our home, ensuring it is filled with love, warmth, happiness and is a safe place where memories are made forever.
I just wanted to email to say how much I’ve enjoyed the sessions so far – genuinely its been the most enjoyable, supportive, useful and informative training I’ve ever been on! I’ve loved it.
Our evaluation for county showed the training as having the greatest impact of everything we did last year.
Thank you and a huge well done in regards to the online training. I have just watched Securing success following lockdown – behaviour strategies and my whole mindset has changed.
I really enjoyed what you were doing and how you put it across. You’re a breath of fresh air. Thank you from me. Our staff found it useful too and have many ideas to put into practice tomorrow.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the time you spent with us and reminding me of my ‘why’ professionally. I loved your sessions and felt inspired to do the very best for these young people.